Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sport as a Symbol

"Symbol: Something that represents something else by association...especially an object used to represent something invisible."

Sport is the ultimate provider of symbols in our culture. Transcending political, geographical, and cultural limitations, sport has the ability to unite populations completely unassociated through any other means. Sport has replaced the bloody Coliseum of Rome with a new, shining arenas in which one city's best battle another city's best for pride, glory and psychological bragging rights over the other.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Working for the Weekend!

The end of the work week isn't a one-way ticket to the couch! To everyone competing this weekend or working to get ahead, here's some motivation to keep you going. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coache's Corner: What would you do?

Instead of lacing up sneakers, they straighten a tie. Rather than taking passes, they are drawing up plays. Although hidden behind the incredible youthful performances of their players, the coaches of our sports play a vital role in the system. Without quality coaches, there is no one to develop the talent of tomorrow or to keep them playing at the high levels elite sport demands. Coaches work tirelessly to prepare their athletes and teams all with the hope that the uniforms coming out of the locker room will be ready to perform. Now, who knows anxiety better than the pre-game coach? When their investment of time and energy, even their livelihood, is in the hands of a bunch of kids chasing a ball?

There's no way to prepare for all of the situations a coach will face during a season. Largely without formal training or certification programs, many American coaches are forced to "learn as they go". Reflecting on some tough situations that well-known coaches have faced... what would you do?

Monday, April 1, 2013

For the Love of the Game

Sports are loved the world over. For every different type of sport that exists, there are countless different ways that they are played and enjoyed. From the cramped city streets to the wide open spaces, the games we play always manage to fill that certain void. Our best memories in sport rarely come under the bright lights of huge stadiums, but rather in make-shift fields with close friends. Divided by miles, cultures, and experiences, sport is the universal language. And why do we play?... For the love of the game. 

 "Little-America" football
 Cricket in the street
Anywhere there' s a hoop
 The outdoor rink
"For the Love of the Game"